A Dark Future In Wronghammer

42024 – The Dark Chapters

42024 The Warped Lovers. Cover image to part 1 of the 42024 comic series
42024 The Warped Lovers. Cover image to part 1 of the 42024 comic series

The Dark Chapters is the first part of 42024, an unofficial webtoon based on the dystopian future of Warhammer 40000. Some similarity to characters and technology may exist but this is an alternative (and un-edited) account from the year 42024

Warhammer 40k Comics and Graphic Novel Publishers

A Dark Future - BOOM! Studios graphic novel covers
Published by Black Library
Published by BOOM!
Published by Titan Comics
Published by Marvel Comics

More Grim Tales Of A Dark Future

Big Brothers Web Comic of A Dark Future
Big Brothers Web Comic
Chaos Undecided Web Comic of A Dark Future
Chaos Undecided Web Comic
Spannaz Web Comic of A Dark Future
Spannaz Web Comic
Vhane Glorious Web Comic of A Dark Future
Vhane Glorious Web Comic

All the Warhammer Community’s Web Comics

And There’s More…

In the words of the creators of Eagle Ordinary:

Eagle ordinary is a comic based off of a tabletop RPG
played by a bunch of nerds on the internet. Sometimes a story is just so cool
you just have to share it with your friends. This is one of those stories.

A History Of Dark Days Ahead

Held in The Black Library of Chaos are the official Imperial records for the 43rd Millennium. This was not always so. Until the Inquisition were granted entry to the library, it contained only the forbidden lore of the Aeldari race. Since then, the library has been secretly expanded and now contains an history of a dark future, of endless war raging across the vastness of space and of an empire and it’s righteous conquests.

And then there is the ‘other’ Black Library. It’s records have not been redacted or corrected by Imperial historians or the Administratium’s servitors whose fastidious gaze catches any ‘glitches’. These efforts maintain obedience and steadfast resolve in these darkest of times.

These pages are dedicated to the events of 42024 (024.M42) as pieced together from data stored in that other place. The history of the 43rd millennium is not a tale of glory and triumph. Perhaps reconsider and read no further if you believe that it is. Instead praise the all-knowing corpse-emperor whose Will protects us and binds us all to the authority of the Golden Throne.

Instead praise the all-knowing corpse emperor whose Will protects us and binds us all to the authority of the Golden Throne.

If the year 42024 is yet to be then know this. Time is not linear. Places and events intersect, spacetime folds and criss-crosses infinitely and our ancient technology bleeds information into past-future.

As you read these words, then while obviously futile, I urge you to resist the corruption spilling from these days and change course. Free us from the unrelenting horror it now endures.

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